Saturday, July 18, 2009


Exercise for toning is an important part of our lives.  Staying in shape is one way to increase your life expectancy.  As you age, weight-bearing exercises take on greater importance since they increase muscle mass and bone density.

Most of us know what to do when it comes to exercise for toning.  The problem is where and how to get the job done.  With a busy lifestyle, making time for exercise is a challenge.

The Cellerciser® is a wonderful way to get fantastic results for very little time.  This makes it the ideal exercise equipment of choice.  In just 10 minutes a day, your exercise requirements are fulfilled. Cellercising® is a weight-bearing exercise, where your own body weight is applied to every cell of your body at the same time.

Here are five easy ways to exercise for toning.  These are exercises you can do on a Cellerciser® at your convenience.  They are easy yet extremely effective and you can do them in just ten minutes!

1.   The Low Jog is good for overall body toning and trimming.  Simply jog on the mat for three minutes.

2.   The Bridge Butt Lift sounds like a complicated technique but it is an easy way to tone your buttocks.  Lay down on the Cellerciser® with feet flat on the floor, legs shoulder width apart.  Place your hands, palm side down, on either side of your body.  Pushing with your feet, squeeze your gluteal (or buttocks) muscles and lift your butt off the mat.  Hold the position for a count of five to ten and release back down to the mat.  Repeat 10 times.

3.   Squats work the butt, the hamstring muscles and the quadriceps. Stand on the Cellerciser® with feet shoulder width apart and feet firmly planted.  Push your butt back as if you were preparing to sit in a chair.  Keep your abs tight and your upper body straight.  Once you reach chair level stop and hold the position for a count of two to five and release.  At the lowest point, place all of your weight on your heels for balance and maximum toning.  Repeat 10 times

4.   Reverse Lunges work the quadriceps muscles, toning the right muscle groups but with less pressure on the knees.  Stand with feet together and arms at your sides.  Take one leg and move it backwards until you are in lunge position: front leg bent at a 90 degree angle and back leg extended until you are on the ball of your foot.  From this position lower yourself down until the back knee almost touches the mat.  Hold for a count of two and return to starting position.  Repeat 10 times.

5.   The Bicycle is a classic exercise for toning that works the tummy as well as the hips. Sit in the center of the rebound unit with your heels on the floor, close together.  Begin bouncing, then bring the legs up and work them in a pedaling motion.  Do this for 2 or 3 minutes.

These five ways to exercise for toning can be done whenever you have time.  The best thing about exercise is that its effects are cumulative.  Even five or ten minutes at a time will work to your advantage.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The Cellerciser® is David Hall’s rebounder or mini trampoline. He dubbed it so because it flexes all 75 trillion cells of the body nearly 100 times a minute, cell by cell, strengthening the body from the inside out. Its benefits encompass all body parts, organs and systems.

I’m sure you’re wondering what makes the Cellerciser® different or more special than other rebounders. Allow me to explain why it is the top-of-the-line rebounder available in the market today.

It’s distinctive features include a space-age Permatron® mat and it’s patented triple tiered springs. It carries a 5-year warranty, but with good care and proper handling, the machine can easily last you a lifetime.

Aside from being utterly durable, the Cellerciser® is also the safest of all mini-trampolines. You will not get the jarring that you normally get from a cheap model. Neither will your ankles pronate or turn inwards, which can, over time, injure your ankles, your knees, your lower back and even your entire nervous system. Bouncing on the Cellerciser® is gentler to the body than walking or running on hard surfaces.

My family members and I are living proof of how effective the Cellerciser® really is.

Pneumonia struck my 89-year old mother some months ago. She resisted being confined in the hospital. She did, however, continue her Cellercise® program to a lesser degree, since she tired more easily. I visited her daily and I was struck by the way she looked. She didn’t look sick at all; her skin color was vibrant. After only 3 days, she had totally dominated her bout with pneumonia.

That’s not all. I also have a 33-year-old nephew who has been wheelchair-bound all his life due to Cerebral Palsy. His legs had gotten spindly from lack of movement or exercise. He started Cellercising® 9 months ago and, slowly but surely, his legs have become stronger. The bonus is that he has great fun with the exercise at the same time.

As for me, all I wanted was to be healthy and fit when I started Cellercising® almost a year ago. To this day, I’m still amazed at the other benefits it has brought me: energy levels that keep me going all day; a nice flat tummy (finally!); a 24-inch waistline (down from 27 or 28 inches); a strong lower back; pain-free knees; slimmer hips; firmer buttocks; improved sleep; better digestion and elimination and a robust immune system that has kept colds, cough and flu away.

I hope you will give the Cellerciser® a chance to work on you and for you as well! If so, then please e-mail me at I am the exclusive distributor for the Philippines, but regardless of where you are, I can still facilitate shipment to you directly from the source: the Center for Cellular Health in the U.S.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Lymphatic massage is certainly worth more than a passing glance.  Nowhere is this truer than in today's world: people await the development of an A (H1N1) vaccine to help it deal with the ever-increasing number of flu cases.

Lymphatic massage is one way of warding off illnesses — from the swine flu and other strains to the more common cold and cough.  These are but indications of a weakened or compromised immune system.  An impaired immune system results in an increased vulnerability to practically every type of illness.

Lymphatic massage treats those problems and affects your entire metabolism as well.  It does this by normalizing your circulatory, muscular and nervous systems, as well as their interdependent functions.

The lymphatic system is sometimes referred to as the "healing center" of the body. It's a vast network of vessels, lymph nodes and specialized organs that transport and filter clear lymph fluid through the body. As lymph fluid moves around the body, disease-fighting antibodies and specialized blood cells are created while viruses, bacteria, infections and cellular waste products are destroyed or filtered.

Unlike the cardiovascular system of the heart, the lymphatic system does not have a "pump". It relies mainly on the pressure created by skeletal muscles contracting and relaxing to push the lymph fluid around the body.  In other words, movement is critical.

Rebounding on a Cellerciser® is a simple way of enjoying the same benefits that a lymphatic massage provides. The pumping motion one gets from bouncing on the machine produces a very similar effect. It increases blood circulation and lymphatic flow, both of which will help you prevent (or get rid) of colds, cough and flu.

Thanks to the Cellerciser®, you can help your body get the necessary stimulation it needs to enhance its ability to heal itself — right in the comfort of your home. Rebounding is a practical, natural, pain and drug-free alternative to prescription drugs and to a lymphatic massage.


Monday, June 1, 2009


Lymphatic massage is a subject that has drawn greater interest in the twenty-first century as a result of increased toxicity from chemicals, drugs, unhealthy foods and a polluted environment.

Lymphatic massage is believed to stimulate the flow of lymph and blood in the body, pulling out harmful substances in the process. In the course of stimulating the lymphatic system, it clears blockages and boosts the immune system.

Rebounding is one great way of getting the benefits of a lymphatic massage naturally. It is one form of exercise that is highly effective in fighting disease and rebuilding compromised body parts.

The up and down motion of rebounding massages and stimulates the cells, enhancing the circulation of oxygen, blood and nutrients to them. Gravitational forces alternately put pressure on and take pressure off body cells during the pumping motion, cleansing them of harmful wastes and toxins and giving them a good lymphatic massage.

David Hall's Cellerciser®, the top-of-the-line rebounder in the market, is the safest and most effective way of providing you and your loved ones with a lymphatic massage that will detoxify.

As with most products, you usually get what you pay for, so consider quality before you consider price. The Cellerciser® may seem a bit pricey compared to what you can find in sports and discount stores, but if you're keen on staying disease-free, it is the last piece of exercise equipment you will ever need to buy!

With the Cellerciser® you will undoubtedly get a good lymphatic massage.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


David Hall's Cellerciser® is now available in the Philippines!

Price: P21,000

Box Includes:

  • Portable half-fold Cellerciser®
  • Balance bar
  • Carrying case
  • DVD
  • Book "Looking Good Feeling Great" by Karol Kuhn Truman
  • 14-page booklet on Cellerciser® history, construction, benefits and testimonials
  • Exercise chart
  • Spare springs and pins

Special Offer: 

Free delivery and assemby for those residing within a 10-kilometer radius of the Makati Business District


Rica Villalon

Exclusive Distributor of the Cellerciser® in the Philippines

9 Cruzadas Street, Urdaneta Village, Makati City

+63917 8397839

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Detoxification cleanse is a subject that has taken on greater significance in the twenty-first century, more so than in the past.  We ingest new chemicals, use more drugs, breathe in more polluted air, and eat more unhealthy food than ever before.

Detoxification cleanse has become a focus of attention for a lot of people, especially those who are seriously looking into getting healthy and fit.  The incidence of diseases resulting from toxicity has increased in astronomical and terrifying proportions.
Some of the more prevalent diseases include: cancer, cardiovascular disease, allergies, obesity, kidney disease and skin problems. In addition to these, a wide range of symptoms such as migraine, fatigue, respiratory and gastrointestinal ailments could also be related to toxicity.  Hence, the growing concern about finding solutions in the areas of detoxification cleanse.

Exercise goes a long way towards detoxification cleanse.  Rebounding is one particular form of exercise that is highly effective in fighting disease and rebuilding compromised body parts.

The up and down motion of rebounding massages and stimulates the cells, enhancing the circulation of oxygen, blood and nutrients to them. Gravitational forces alternately put pressure on and take pressure off body cells during the pumping motion, cleansing them of harmful wastes and toxins.

David Hall's Cellerciser®, the top-of-the-line rebounder in the market, is the safest and most effective way of providing detoxification cleanse for yourself and your loved ones.

As with most products, you usually get what you pay for, so consider quality before you consider price.  The Cellerciser® may seem a bit pricey compared to what you can find in sports and discount stores, but if you're keen on staying disease-free, it is the last piece of exercise equipment you will ever need to buy.

As rebounding has helped me get on the road to health and fitness, I am eager to help you get there as well. If you need more information, please email me at  I will only be too happy to help you achieve detoxification cleanse.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Exercise trampolines are great for people of all ages … children, adults and even those in their 80’s or 90’s. One can do a gentle 10-minute rebounding routine or a vigorous 10-minute workout, depending on one’s capabilities and fitness goals.

Exercise trampolines stimulate, circulate, strengthen and improve the efficiency of body parts and functions. It works on 75 trillion cells, applying weight and movement to each cell, all at the same time. Every single cell is exercised, including internal organs, veins, capillaries, bones, connective tissues and skin.

The up and down movement on exercise trampolines increases blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body, breaking up blockages, opening blood vessels, improving lymphatic drainage, boosting the immune system and strengthening the cell membrane. The stronger your cells are, the more resistant your body is to viruses and bacteria and the less susceptible you are to cold, cough, flu and other respiratory ailments.

Regular bouncing on exercise trampolines promotes greater efficiency of the thyroid, endocrine and adrenal glands, cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. Rebounding will give you a wonderful feeling of well-being and health that is truly unbelievable!

David Hall’s Cellerciser® is the best of all exercise trampolines in the market today. It uses patented jumbo tapered barrel springs that eliminate the abrupt jarring effect to muscles and joints that inferior models cause. Its mat is made of the space-age material “Permatron®”, giving your feet the support that will keep them from pronating, which over time can cause injury to your ankles, knees and lower back.

I have exclusive distributorship rights to the sale of the Cellerciser® in the Philippines. But wherever you are, I can facilitate shipment to you directly from the source, Center for Cellular Health, LLC in the U.S.

Please email me at for more information on the Cellerciser®, the premium brand in exercise trampolines.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Lymphatic massage is a technique used to stimulate lymph flow. Increased lymph flow improves the body’s metabolism, removes wastes and toxins from the tissues and provides a boost to the immune system.

Lymphatic massage can be useful for individuals who regularly suffer from respiratory ailments. It is also recommended for people with sports injuries, skin problems or low energy levels.

The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in your body’s ability to heal injury and ward off disease. It is responsible for transporting nutrients to the cells, for increasing metabolism and for helping fluid and waste to leave the body.

When the lymphatic system becomes blocked, fluid builds up and stagnates, causing the entire system to become toxic. This makes us feel sluggish and more susceptible to viral or bacterial infection.

Blocked lymph pathways could cause a variety of ailments. These include frequent cold and flu infections, joint pain, headache and migraine, menstrual cramps, arthritis, loss of appetite, fatigue, mood irregularities, depression, acne, cellulite and others.

A good lymphatic massage can increase lymph flow by as much as 20 times. The massage stimulates this system, clears blockages, eliminates harmful substances and enhances the immune system.

Rebounding is one natural way of acquiring the benefits of an excellent lymphatic massage. When bouncing, gravitational forces alternately put pressure on and take pressure off body cells. This pumping action massages and stimulates the cells, cleansing them of harmful toxins and promoting healthy lymph circulation.

David Hall’s Cellerciser®, the top-of-the-line rebounder or mini trampoline in the market, is the safest way to get a good lymphatic massage. It’s patented triple-tiered springs and its space age Permatron® mat protect you from injuring your ankles, your knees, your lower back and your nervous system.

The next time you’re feeling under the weather, try bouncing instead of skipping exercise. Continue your rebound program to give your cells a good workout and to rid your body of that nasty bacteria or virus.

Finally, remember to drink lots of water before, during and after your workout to flush away the toxins and to make the most of your lymphatic massage.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Get rid of love handles! They stick out of your jeans. They show through your shirts. They make you look twice as big as you are. They are ugly.

Get rid of love handles” may be the clarion call for this day and age, yet it remains a tall order for most people. It is easier said than done, even for the majority who think that radical dieting and drastic exercise are the only means to achieving this dream.

Love handles are actually composed of a layer of fat that is deposited around a person's midsection. They are especially visible on the sides over the abdominal external oblique muscles. The anatomic term for them is "oblique".

By and large, it is believed that reducing fat in a single spot (in the oblique, for example) is impossible to achieve. Further, it is thought that the best way to get rid of love handles is through aerobic exercise, total body resistance training and healthy eating.

Rightly so, as aerobic exercise will help burn the fatty deposits in all areas of the body. Over the course of time, it will reduce fat levels around the love handles as well.

Rebounding on a mini trampoline is one of the best ways to get rid of love handles. It diminishes fat deposits while it tones and builds muscles at the same time. It is simple, fun, de-stressing, convenient and easy on your body.

Doing the gentle bounce and the light jog on a rebounder will increase your body’s metabolism so you can lose fat and weight more effectively.

Still, there are exercises one can do on a rebounder to work on specific areas of the body.

To get rid of love handles, one can do the Twist. Jump on the rebound unit with your feet together and twist your body from side to side. This exercise will work your internal and external oblique muscle groups, where fat is generally stored.

Another exercise you can do to get rid of love handles is the Side Kick. To do this exercise, begin jogging and then alternately kick each leg to the side. This motion directly stresses the oblique, which tones and tightens them.

What a lot of people don't realize is that in order to tone your middle and get rid of love handles, you also need to strengthen your back. This creates a balance in your torso and reduces the fat on your back.

Finally, the Back Kick is an excellent rebound exercise for your lower back. Do this exercise by jogging and then alternately kicking each leg to the back. Always remember that your back muscles and your abdominal muscles are interdependent on each other.

Take note, however, that not all rebounders are the same. It’s wise to invest in a top of the line rebound unit, such as David Hall’s Cellerciser®. This safe and effective exercise equipment will help you get rid of love handles.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Blood pressure exercise is a good approach to managing high blood pressure rates. Many studies have been conducted involving different age groups and a variety of exercises. All of these have shown that regular physical activity lowers blood pressure for those suffering from hypertension.

Blood pressure exercise can lower systolic pressure to the same degree that treatment with a typical blood pressure-lowering medication does. What’s more, reducing blood pressure to this degree can also reduce stroke and heart attack rates by 25 percent!

Nearly all exercises lower blood pressure. Endurance exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming or biking are most helpful in controlling blood pressure. However, selecting an exercise that is enjoyable and convenient greatly improves your chances of success.

Rebounding is one such blood pressure exercise.

You can jog on your rebounder or mini trampoline, dance on it, skip rope on it – just have fun with it! You can do it in your bedroom or in your office. It does not require special clothing or a personal trainer. More importantly, you can do it in just 10 minutes a day, at any time of the day.

Blood pressure exercise on a rebounder or mini trampoline reduces blood pressure in different ways. First, it does this by reducing body fat, which in turn brings down blood pressure.

Second, rebounding lowers your blood pressure by making you sweat. This helps your body rid itself of water and salt, thereby mimicking the effects of diuretics.

Third, rebounding exercise affects two major hormones in our body, adrenaline and insulin. As a result, this blood pressure exercise lowers both your cholesterol levels and your blood sugar levels.

A rebounding program on a quality unit like David Hall’s Cellerciser® is safer than most exercise programs. It’s patented triple tiered springs and its space age Permatron® mat will protect you from injury.

The balance bar that goes with it prevents accidents from happening and ensures a fun and convenient blood pressure exercise routine.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Home senior care includes physical rehabilitation as part and parcel of its program. Studies show that it is safe for most adults over 70 years old to exercise.

Home senior care is even recommended for patients with chronic illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and arthritis. Many of their physical ailments can be addressed and treated with exercise.

Home senior care should, of course, be undertaken with the guidance and supervision of a doctor. If you are not sure if the particular exercise is safe for you, or if you are currently inactive, it always helps to ask your doctor.

There are four essential forms of exercise that those in a home senior care program can get into: aerobics, isometrics, isotonic and calisthenics.

Aerobic exercise is exercise that improves the body’s oxygen consumption. It strengthens the cardiovascular, pulmonary, lymphatic, muscular and metabolic systems.

Isometric exercise involves the contraction of a muscle without joint movement. This is excellent for strength training and rehabilitation of those receiving home senior care.

Isotonic exercise, on the other hand, involves contraction of a muscle to produce a range of movements. This form of exercise strengthens the skeletal muscles.

Calisthenic exercise may consist of a variety of simple movements for those under home senior care. These are usually performed without weights. They increase body strength and flexibility using the weight of one's own body for resistance. Repeated motions of calisthenics done over an extended period of time are great for building muscle endurance.

Rebounding is probably the safest and most convenient exercise that the elderly or disabled can incorporate into their home senior care program. It includes all the exercise forms described above. It is the one exercise that can be done with a single fitness machine in just 10 minutes a day.

Furthermore, rebounding enables the body to rid itself of bacteria, virus and other harmful wastes by stimulating the cells and increasing the circulation of body fluids to them.

If you are not already physically active under home senior care, then begin slowly. Should a 10-minute session be too tiring for you, you can always split your routine into two segments of 5 minutes each; one in the morning and another one in the evening.

The baby bounce or the light jog is a good starting point for a home senior care exercise program. Starting slowly makes it less likely that you will injure yourself. It also helps prevent soreness from "overdoing" it.

The saying "no pain, no gain" is not true for older or elderly adults. You do not have to perform high intensity exercise to get most health benefits.

The key to exercising regularly is to have a positive attitude towards it. Pick an activity you can have fun with in your home senior care regimen and focus on making the experience as pleasant as possible.

For example, my 89-year old mother has been using David Hall’s Cellerciser® for 9 months now. It took her only 3 days to recover from a recent bout with pneumonia. Instead of taking her illness lying down, she bounced! Today, she continues to be mobile, healthy and spirited.

Research has conclusively demonstrated that physical activity is linked to increased longevity. It is for this reason that exercise is an integral part of home senior care.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Varicose treatment is very important to our health. Since a number of doctors refer to our legs as our “secondary heart,” it then follows that having good circulation in our legs is crucial to having good circulation in the rest of our bodies.

Varicose treatment need not be confined to invasive options such as laser surgery, surgical vein stripping, microsclerotherapy injections and the like. Besides carrying health risks and side effects of their own, invasive procedures do not guarantee against the recurrence of maladies.

An important aspect of varicose treatment is for patients to take steps that they can do themselves. Home-based therapies may include exercise or any activity that gets the legs moving, such as walking, swimming or dancing. These forms of movement will stimulate good blood flow in the veins and the arteries.

As simplistic as it may sound, good blood flow can be achieved on a mini trampoline or rebounder. The fact is that more and more physicians recommend these forms of exercise equipment for varicose treatment.

The-up-and-down movement on a rebounder massages the body’s cells. This simple action removes trapped blood proteins that contribute to varicose veins, phlebitis and other blood flow problems. The motion breaks up blockages and opens blood vessels anew, thereby improving circulation.

Given its effectiveness in varicose treatment, it is no surprise that David Hall’s Cellerciser® is the rebounder of choice. It is vastly superior to any rebounding device available in the market today.

The Cellerciser® is not only effective in varicose treatment, it is also safe to use. Other cheaper and more typical rebounders can cause nerve damage, knee problems and lower back injuries.

That will never happen with the Cellerciser®, as its triple tiered springs and space age Permatron® mat effectively prevent these mishaps from taking place.

The Cellercise® workout may very well be the best form of exercise for varicose treatment.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Sports workout is an important factor for enjoying and excelling in any kind of sport. Training is essential, regardless of whether it’s in gymnastics, golf, swimming, soccer, track and field or tennis.

Sports workout builds stamina, endurance, power, speed, balance, coordination and flexibility – all key ingredients for success in any sport, fun event or competition.

I have found rebounding to be an excellent sports workout routine. Instead of hitting a bucket of balls at the driving range, I just use my Cellerciser® to warm up before a round of golf.

I start with one minute of the gentle bounce to limber up my cold muscles. Then I do the light jog, simultaneously stretching my shoulders, my arms, my wrists and my fingers. I continue my sports workout with a few kicks to the front, to the back and to the sides.

I then follow that up with knee bends and knee stretches. To get my energy levels going, I do some jumping jacks. I take a few practice swings on the rebounder to get into the feel of a full shoulder turn in my golf swing.

Finally, I end my sports workout by cooling down with another minute of the gentle bounce. When that’s done, I am ready to go off to the golf course and hit my first drive. It’s my idea of a perfect warm-up – the entire process takes only 5 minutes of my time.

It’s no wonder that a great number of athletic trainers in the U.S. use David Hall’s Cellerciser®. It is the top of the line rebounder in the market, for both sports conditioning and rehabilitation.

The fact that a sports workout on the Cellerciser® has improved their athletes’ conditioning has greatly impressed these trainers. It has enhanced their balance and coordination; increased their power, speed and flexibility; and augmented their stamina and endurance.

The Cellerciser® has also been an important factor in the treatment of patients with muscular pain or weakness, joint immobility and even sports injury. The machine’s usefulness in the area of rehabilitation has inspired awe in both athletic trainer and athlete.

I can guarantee that you will do better in your sport and enjoy it more if you use the Cellerciser® for your sports workout.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Healing pain is a subject of concern for many people. We have all suffered pain in one way or another, at one time or another. Physical anguish is not easy to live with, whether it’s a throbbing headache, a soreness in one’s lower back, a spasm due to a pinched nerve or an arthritic affliction.

Healing pain cannot be achieved with prescription drugs alone. Oftentimes, medication only gives temporary relief or does not help at all. Sometimes, medication even causes damage to our other organs.

Our blood, lymph glands, heart, lung, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and skin are organs that have to function at peak condition if they are to keep us free from disease and pain. Since they are all interconnected and mutually dependent upon one other, it is vital that our circulatory system works optimally.

Good blood circulation and good lymphatic circulation are the foundations of good health. They are key players in fighting disease, rebuilding damaged body parts and healing pain.

Exercise goes a long way towards healing pain. Rebounding is one particular form of exercise that is highly effective in promoting healing. It enhances blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body.

Not all rebounders are created equal, however. Good construction is the most important factor to consider when shopping for a mini trampoline.

A cheap mini trampoline with inferior quality parts will cause irreparable damage to your ankles, your knees, your lower back and even your entire nervous system over time. In other words, it causes pain instead of healing pain.

Nothing will stimulate our circulatory system more safely than David Hall’s Cellerciser®, a premium quality rebounder or mini trampoline. Its jumbo tapered springs and its heavy duty Permatron® mat have boosted the benefits of the “typical” rebounder.

As with most products, you usually get what you pay for. Consider quality before you consider price. The Cellerciser® may seem a bit pricey compared to what you can find in sports and discount stores, but if you’re interested in healing pain, it is the last piece of exercise equipment you will ever need to buy.

Please feel free to email me if you need more information. I will only be too happy to get you on your way to healing pain.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Tightening skin takes on great importance when we hit the big 40. As gravity tends to pull things down, our muscles start to lengthen and our skin starts to sag.

Tightening skin becomes a primary concern when we see wrinkles on our faces and necks, cellulite on our thighs, baggy flesh under our upper arms, flab around our midsections and bulges around the bra strap area - the list goes on and on. And with each passing day, we find something new and unsightly in our bodies.

Tightening skin can even turn into an obsession as we look for ways and means to counteract the effects of time and gravity on our bodies. We may experiment with all brands of expensive creams. We may also undergo age-defying treatments.

These treatments may include liposuction, microcurrent, microdermabrasion, Intense Pulse Light, Thermage or Botox. And as the situation becomes seemingly more hopeless, we may even consider cosmetic surgery as a last resort.

All these are superficial approaches to skin tightening that are temporary fixes at best. Furthermore, the fix is sometimes not what we had originally hoped for. A conventional facelift, for example, simply stretches skin over the same old flabby muscles. Botox, on the other hand, paralyzes these muscles.

A better alternative to these temporary fixes would be a good workout. Exercise results in the shortening of the muscles, which in turn, leads to firming, toning and skin tightening from within.

Rebounding on David Hall’s Cellerciser®, his top quality mini trampoline, will do the job most efficiently and effectively. Bouncing flexes your muscles and gives your skin the benefits comparable to an actual facial massage.

Furthermore, the up and down movement of bouncing gets circulation going through your tightening skin layers. As circulation is enhanced, the toxic products that need to come out and the oxygen that needs to go in flow much more efficiently.

Besides tightening skin and improving circulation, rebounding gets rid of those fat deposits under the skin. These deposits cause skin to sag as the skin loses its elasticity. Rebounding stimulates, circulates, strengthens and improves the efficiency of every cell in the body - skin cells included.

As a result, wrinkles, cellulite, flab and bulges are diminished. Sagging skin takes on a new resilience and color. Complexion looks healthier and more alive.

Truly, rebound exercises are the most natural and non-invasive solution to the concern of tightening skin.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Trampoline fitness is achieved via rebounding and is best done on David Hall’s Cellerciser®. Now rebounding is an exercise that applies weight and movement to every cell of the body. It massages, tones and strengthens all the body organs and their tissues.

Trampoline fitness is one of the best ways to keep yourself healthy and strong. All 75 trillion cells of the body are flexed at the same time, requiring only 10 minutes a day of your time!

Now you can build your very own trampoline fitness program with the following exercises, as demonstrated by David Hall himself.

Baby Bounce
Gently bouncing up and down creates pressure changes in your body. It stimulates and circulates blood and oxygen throughout your every body part and function.

The Cellerciser’s® superior spring design allows for the smooth acceleration and deceleration of the body. Its heavy duty Permatron® mat allows for better stability and support.

This twisting motion is another good trampoline fitness routine. It loosens and relaxes your lower back muscles while improving digestion and elimination.

This movement also massages your internal organs such as the liver, the kidneys, the spleen, the gall bladder, the pancreas and the intestines.

Knee Lift
This lower body trampoline fitness exercise is a form of resistance training. It allows your ligaments and the muscles along your vertebrae to stretch gently, which relieves tightness in those areas.

It is also excellent for developing your balance and stability.


This movement involves shifting your weight from one foot to the other, with your knees slightly bent. It tones and strengthens your thighs and buttocks. It is also a good exercise for strengthening your knees.

Sit Bounce

This trampoline fitness movement strengthens your stomach, your lower abs, your thighs and your back. It gives your shoulders and your chest a good workout at the same time.

Front Kick

This is an advanced exercise that engages, tones and conditions your abdominal muscles. Kicking higher will work your abdominals even harder, giving your core the workout that develops your six-pack abs.

Back Kick

This trampoline fitness routine involves tilting forward slightly and kicking your legs behind you. It strengthens your lower back and gives your buttocks a lift at the same time.

Side Kick

Kicking out side-to-side helps to strengthen and slim the waist, obliques, hips and outer thighs. It’s a great way to get rid of your love handles!

There are a lot of rebounders out there, but there’s only one Cellerciser® that can give you unparalleled overall trampoline fitness.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Knee exercises are vital, not only to our knees, but to our overall health as well. The knees are the largest joints in the body. They support our weight and play a key role in our mobility. Physical movements such as walking, running, jumping, dancing, bending, pivoting and playing sports all require good knees.

Knee exercises keep our knees and the muscles that support them strong and flexible. The best exercises for the knees – as well as for the rest of our body - are the low impact, weight-bearing ones.

An easy knee exercise you can start with is the “low jog”. Simply lift your feet 2 or 3 inches off the mat as you jog. As you progress, you can jog faster and lift your feet higher. This movement builds up your weak knees instead of tearing them down.

A more advanced knee exercise is the “squat”. Stand with your feet on either side of the mat. Sit low like you would on a horse, back over your heels, and then lift your toes slightly, with your feet flat on the mat. In this position, simply shift your weight from foot to foot.

An even more advanced knee exercise is the “side to side jump”. Stand on one side of the mat with your feet together. Jump back and forth from one side of the mat to the other side. As you advance with this routine, you can sit lower and lower as you jump.

David Hall’s mini trampoline, the Cellerciser®, is an excellent way to get into these knee exercises. Its patented tapered springs and its space age Permatron® mat aren’t jarring to the skeletal system, making it the best rebounder available in the market.

A good rule of thumb is to try rebounding every single day. If you do not have 10 or 15 minutes, 5 minutes is certainly better than none at all – and it can make all the difference in how you feel! Consistency is the key to success in any exercise program, so be sure to work daily on your knee exercises.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Abdominal machines come in many forms, shapes and sizes. The marketplace has much to offer in this area of fitness. While some machines are effective, others are most certainly not.

Abdominal machines have become part of a superfluous collection for a great number of people. It has become increasingly common to see someone owning far too many of these machines through sheer trial and error.

What if I told you that there was an abdominal machine that could put all your other machines to shame? That this piece of equipment would not only help you with your abs, but would take care of the health and fitness of your entire body? That this would be the last piece of exercise equipment that you would ever have to buy?

I have good news for you: I discovered one such machine at a health seminar I attended in Los Angeles some ten months ago! It’s David Hall’s Cellerciser®, the top-of-the-line mini trampoline or rebounder in the market today.

As I promised yesterday, I will talk of abdominal machines and exercises today. The first and the simplest exercise is the common jog. Even just raising your legs in a jogging motion engages your abdominal muscles and strengthens them.

To take this exercise further, you can try lifting your knees higher as you jog. This makes the abs work even harder as the movement applies weight to your every muscle at over 100 times a minute.

An advanced exercise that is good for the abs is the “front kick”. This is where you jump slowly on the abdominal machine and kick one foot at a time straight out in front of you.

Once you get a good feel of the exercise, you can kick faster and higher. There’s no need to worry about losing your balance, as the Cellerciser® is equipped with a balance bar for support.

An excellent, though more challenging, exercise on this abdominal machine is the “V-sit”. You sit on the mat, lift your legs straight up in front, raise your arms out to the sides, and then rock back and forth from one hip to the other.

This requires tightening and control of your core muscles, but it will definitely bring you the results you want.

As an exercise tool, the Cellerciser® can get you those six-pack abs that you have always wanted. After all, why settle for less when you can have the best in abdominal machines?

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Lower back exercises, when performed on a mini-trampoline or a rebounder, are an excellent way to keep fit. They loosen tight muscles, stretch them and strengthen them in the process.

Lower back exercises are best done on David Hall’s Cellerciser®, the top-of-the-line rebounder in the market today. It is absolutely safe, thanks to the equipment’s high quality springs and space age Permatron® mat.

Because of its excellent quality, an ever-growing number of medical doctors, chiropractors and health practitioners recommend the Cellerciser® to their clients.

There are a number of lower back exercises that one can do on the rebounder. One of them is the back kick, wherein one bounces while alternately kicking his or her legs towards the back. This is done 30 to 40 times.

Another lower back exercise is the “twist”. One places one’s feet and knees together while jumping on the rebound unit and twisting from side to side.

The movement loosens the muscles in the back and provides for some lateral movement of the vertebrae. As the muscles and vertebrae loosen, changes in pressure help increase circulation to the spinal disks. This particular exercise is also performed 30 to 40 times.

The alternate knee lift is one of my favorites among the lower back exercises. In it, the person lies on his or her back on the rebound unit and extends his or her legs. One knee is pulled up over the chest with hands clasped around the knee.

The person holds this position for 10 seconds before lowering the leg. It is then repeated with the other knee. The person then alternates knees and repeats this lower back exercise 10 times. Effects include near immediate relief from tightness in the lower back.

The key to strengthening your lower back is to strengthen your abdominal muscles. When the muscles in your abdomen are weak, your lower back muscles attempt to compensate. The problem is that the latter will eventually begin to hurt due to the strain!

The above exercises help tone your abs and make them do their part in keeping your entire skeletal system in line. This takes a huge amount of pressure off your lower back and even helps in supporting it. Keep in mind, though, that the quality of one’s lower back exercises is only as good as the quality of one’s equipment.

Well, that’s it for today, but look out for my article tomorrow. In it, I will cover abdominal exercises you can do on the Cellerciser® in conjunction with the aforementioned lower back exercises.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Heart fitness is an important ingredient for a long and productive life. Diet and exercise are its essential components. I will speak about the latter in today’s article.

Heart fitness is a concern of the great majority of people, be they male or female, young or old. It’s only fitting, since cardiovascular disease ranks as one of the top killers in the world today, with physical inactivity being a major risk factor.

The American Heart Association recommends that all healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 65 should engage in moderate intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 times each week.

Rebounding is one of the best forms of exercise for heart conditioning. Fortunately, David Hall’s premium rebound equipment, the Cellerciser®, is just about the best tool there is for starting you down the road to heart fitness. It is safe, effective and cost-efficient.

The Cellerciser® is safe because it is gentler on the body than walking or running on hard surfaces. Its patented tapered barrel springs and its space age Permatron® mat allow for smooth acceleration and deceleration with each jump.

There is no jarring or traumatic effect to the ankles, the knees, the lower back or to any other part of the body. The risk of injury associated with other forms of exercise is negligible with the Cellerciser®. With no risk of injury, the person needs only to concentrate on achieving heart fitness.

The machine is also effective because one gets fantastic results from rebounding in relation to the amount of time one spends on it. This makes it the ideal exercise equipment of choice. In just 10 minutes, the heart gets an excellent workout.

Doctors say that the cardiovascular benefits of exercise come from your heart pumping faster than normal for an extended period of time. This is easy to do on the Cellerciser®. All you have to do is to just get up and bounce. It’s heart fitness made simple

Finally, the Cellerciser® is cost-efficient because it is a one-time expense that can benefit every single member of your family. It totally redefines exercise, making it the last piece of exercise equipment that you will ever need to buy!

So get on a Cellerciser® today and enjoy a workout like you’ve never experienced before! Remember, rebounding is about overall fitness, not just about heart fitness.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Lose weight exercises – the phrase may sound funny, but the real need for them is not. Many times before, I have been asked what the best way to lose weight is. People want to lose weight but they want a hassle-free and time-efficient solution for doing so.

Lose weight exercises that conform to these seemingly unreasonable conditions do exist. These are exercises one can do on a mini-trampoline right in the confines of one’s own home or office.

The Cellerciser®, David Hall’s premium quality mini-trampoline or rebounder, is the answer. He has a 10-minute daily program that will exercise every single part of one’s body – abs, waist, hips, thighs, arms, legs, ankles, calves, knees – all in one go. Rebounding reduces fat deposits and builds and tones muscles at the same time.

What’s more, these lose weight exercises can be designed according to the body parts you want to work on. For example, there is the front kick – kicking one foot in front of you, and then the other as you bounce – which works your abdominal muscles, strengthening them and firming your tummy.

Then there is the back kick – kicking one foot behind you, and then the other as you bounce – which loosens and stretches those tight back muscles and at the same time strengthens the lower back.

Next is the side kick – alternately kicking the right foot to your right, the left foot to your left as you bounce – which works on your love handles, slimming your waist and your hips in the process.

There are a number of lose weight exercises for your arms too. You can combine arm movement with bouncing to trim the baggy flesh under your upper arms. One way to do this is by holding your arms to the sides and rotating them in small circles at shoulder level.

Other ways involve doing the jump rope motion with your arms, or extending your arms over your head and down to shoulder height.

The list of possible exercises goes on and on. Even simply bouncing gently up and down or doing a light jog for 10 minutes will do a wonderful job towards looking good and feeling fit! Keeping healthy need not be a burden again with these simple and effective lose weight exercises.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Trampoline exercise is one of the best forms of exercise. It is your complete workout in just 10 minutes a day.

Trampoline exercise can offer you a better way to lose weight, as we all know how frustrating dieting and exercising can be. I discovered David Hall’s Cellerciser® at a health conference in the U.S. 10 months ago and my life has not been the same since.

I am amazed at the benefits that trampoline exercise has brought me … energy levels that keep me going all day long … a nice flat tummy (finally!) … a 24-inch waistline (down from 27-28 inches) … a strong lower back and pain-free knees … slimmer hips and firmer buttocks.

But that’s not all. Trampoline exercise has improved my bodily functions tremendously. I enjoy improved sleep … better digestion and elimination … a robust immune system that has kept cold, cough and flu away.

My trampoline exercise routine takes all of 10 minutes a day, in the comfort of my bedroom! And the great news for everyone is that with trampoline exercise you can reap benefits without having to change your eating habits. In fact, for some of you that do not want to lose any more weight (like me), it may even be necessary to increase your food intake. Isn’t that absolutely awesome?

Trampoline exercise is isotonic, isometric, calisthenic and aerobic exercises all rolled into one. For close to ten years I went to the gym three times a week for 40 minutes of cardio exercises and an hour of weight training. Since I purchased David Hall’s Cellerciser®, I have done away with going to the gym altogether. This has not only saved me time and money, but has also put me in the pink of health.

As a result of my great experience with trampoline exercise and the Cellerciser® in particular, I asked David Hall for dealership in the Philippines. My success with the product in this market has earned me exclusive Philippine distributorship.

The Cellerciser® is not your ordinary rebounder or mini-trampoline, mind you. Visit for more information on this unique product and the wonders of trampoline exercise.