Exercise for toning is an important part of our lives. Staying in shape is one way to increase your life expectancy. As you age, weight-bearing exercises take on greater importance since they increase muscle mass and bone density.
Most of us know what to do when it comes to exercise for toning. The problem is where and how to get the job done. With a busy lifestyle, making time for exercise is a challenge.
The Cellerciser® is a wonderful way to get fantastic results for very little time. This makes it the ideal exercise equipment of choice. In just 10 minutes a day, your exercise requirements are fulfilled. Cellercising® is a weight-bearing exercise, where your own body weight is applied to every cell of your body at the same time.
Here are five easy ways to exercise for toning. These are exercises you can do on a Cellerciser® at your convenience. They are easy yet extremely effective and you can do them in just ten minutes!
1. The Low Jog is good for overall body toning and trimming. Simply jog on the mat for three minutes.
2. The Bridge Butt Lift sounds like a complicated technique but it is an easy way to tone your buttocks. Lay down on the Cellerciser® with feet flat on the floor, legs shoulder width apart. Place your hands, palm side down, on either side of your body. Pushing with your feet, squeeze your gluteal (or buttocks) muscles and lift your butt off the mat. Hold the position for a count of five to ten and release back down to the mat. Repeat 10 times.
3. Squats work the butt, the hamstring muscles and the quadriceps. Stand on the Cellerciser® with feet shoulder width apart and feet firmly planted. Push your butt back as if you were preparing to sit in a chair. Keep your abs tight and your upper body straight. Once you reach chair level stop and hold the position for a count of two to five and release. At the lowest point, place all of your weight on your heels for balance and maximum toning. Repeat 10 times
4. Reverse Lunges work the quadriceps muscles, toning the right muscle groups but with less pressure on the knees. Stand with feet together and arms at your sides. Take one leg and move it backwards until you are in lunge position: front leg bent at a 90 degree angle and back leg extended until you are on the ball of your foot. From this position lower yourself down until the back knee almost touches the mat. Hold for a count of two and return to starting position. Repeat 10 times.
5. The Bicycle is a classic exercise for toning that works the tummy as well as the hips. Sit in the center of the rebound unit with your heels on the floor, close together. Begin bouncing, then bring the legs up and work them in a pedaling motion. Do this for 2 or 3 minutes.
These five ways to exercise for toning can be done whenever you have time. The best thing about exercise is that its effects are cumulative. Even five or ten minutes at a time will work to your advantage.