Saturday, March 6, 2010


Gina Lopez, Managing Director of ABS-CBN Foundation, purchased a Cellerciser® in January of this year. Five days later, she excitedly phoned me to tell me that the Cellerciser® was her most awesome purchase ever. In just less than a week, she had noted some of its many benefits.

In an article she wrote for her Philippine Star (February 2, 2010) column, From the Heart, entitled "Living a Healthy Life at 56," Gina Lopez spoke of diet, vitamins, medicine, healing crystals, exercise, sleep, nature, meditation, etc.

On exercise, she wrote:

"I do yoga exercises daily, but this is more to keep me peaceful and prepare me for meditation. Then I work out two or three times a week. Weight-bearing exercises are good for the bones. I have a yoga teacher who comes twice a week. But over the past week I have stumbled across what is called a Cellexerciser (sic) --- which is a rebounder or a mini-trampoline, but built much better. Sturdier. Safer for the body. This has been superb! The instructions said start with one minute --- but I got bored, so I went right up to 10 minutes and it was wonderful! I watched the DVD that went with it. The inventor David Hall has well-developed abs, biceps, is attractively lean --- and he did this all with just 10 minutes a day! Then I read the book --- full of testimonials from people who have slimmed hips, thighs, improved their eyesight --- addressed health problems with just 10 minutes a day! So I have been doing 10 to 15 minutes for the past 10 days, and the results are amazing!

"I already have a lot of energy --- but this boosted my energy level even further. I also sleep better. I had a tingling sensation in my left arm, which has been greatly reduced. In short I am experiencing a wonderful sense of well-being, which came after only the first session! Contact Rica Villalon, 0917-8397839. She can deliver it to your house. Or look up Cellexerciser (sic) on the net to give you a clearer understanding. What got me attracted to it is the "only 10 minutes a day"!

Click here to read the article in full.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Exercise for toning is an important part of our lives.  Staying in shape is one way to increase your life expectancy.  As you age, weight-bearing exercises take on greater importance since they increase muscle mass and bone density.

Most of us know what to do when it comes to exercise for toning.  The problem is where and how to get the job done.  With a busy lifestyle, making time for exercise is a challenge.

The Cellerciser® is a wonderful way to get fantastic results for very little time.  This makes it the ideal exercise equipment of choice.  In just 10 minutes a day, your exercise requirements are fulfilled. Cellercising® is a weight-bearing exercise, where your own body weight is applied to every cell of your body at the same time.

Here are five easy ways to exercise for toning.  These are exercises you can do on a Cellerciser® at your convenience.  They are easy yet extremely effective and you can do them in just ten minutes!

1.   The Low Jog is good for overall body toning and trimming.  Simply jog on the mat for three minutes.

2.   The Bridge Butt Lift sounds like a complicated technique but it is an easy way to tone your buttocks.  Lay down on the Cellerciser® with feet flat on the floor, legs shoulder width apart.  Place your hands, palm side down, on either side of your body.  Pushing with your feet, squeeze your gluteal (or buttocks) muscles and lift your butt off the mat.  Hold the position for a count of five to ten and release back down to the mat.  Repeat 10 times.

3.   Squats work the butt, the hamstring muscles and the quadriceps. Stand on the Cellerciser® with feet shoulder width apart and feet firmly planted.  Push your butt back as if you were preparing to sit in a chair.  Keep your abs tight and your upper body straight.  Once you reach chair level stop and hold the position for a count of two to five and release.  At the lowest point, place all of your weight on your heels for balance and maximum toning.  Repeat 10 times

4.   Reverse Lunges work the quadriceps muscles, toning the right muscle groups but with less pressure on the knees.  Stand with feet together and arms at your sides.  Take one leg and move it backwards until you are in lunge position: front leg bent at a 90 degree angle and back leg extended until you are on the ball of your foot.  From this position lower yourself down until the back knee almost touches the mat.  Hold for a count of two and return to starting position.  Repeat 10 times.

5.   The Bicycle is a classic exercise for toning that works the tummy as well as the hips. Sit in the center of the rebound unit with your heels on the floor, close together.  Begin bouncing, then bring the legs up and work them in a pedaling motion.  Do this for 2 or 3 minutes.

These five ways to exercise for toning can be done whenever you have time.  The best thing about exercise is that its effects are cumulative.  Even five or ten minutes at a time will work to your advantage.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


The Cellerciser® is David Hall’s rebounder or mini trampoline. He dubbed it so because it flexes all 75 trillion cells of the body nearly 100 times a minute, cell by cell, strengthening the body from the inside out. Its benefits encompass all body parts, organs and systems.

I’m sure you’re wondering what makes the Cellerciser® different or more special than other rebounders. Allow me to explain why it is the top-of-the-line rebounder available in the market today.

It’s distinctive features include a space-age Permatron® mat and it’s patented triple tiered springs. It carries a 5-year warranty, but with good care and proper handling, the machine can easily last you a lifetime.

Aside from being utterly durable, the Cellerciser® is also the safest of all mini-trampolines. You will not get the jarring that you normally get from a cheap model. Neither will your ankles pronate or turn inwards, which can, over time, injure your ankles, your knees, your lower back and even your entire nervous system. Bouncing on the Cellerciser® is gentler to the body than walking or running on hard surfaces.

My family members and I are living proof of how effective the Cellerciser® really is.

Pneumonia struck my 89-year old mother some months ago. She resisted being confined in the hospital. She did, however, continue her Cellercise® program to a lesser degree, since she tired more easily. I visited her daily and I was struck by the way she looked. She didn’t look sick at all; her skin color was vibrant. After only 3 days, she had totally dominated her bout with pneumonia.

That’s not all. I also have a 33-year-old nephew who has been wheelchair-bound all his life due to Cerebral Palsy. His legs had gotten spindly from lack of movement or exercise. He started Cellercising® 9 months ago and, slowly but surely, his legs have become stronger. The bonus is that he has great fun with the exercise at the same time.

As for me, all I wanted was to be healthy and fit when I started Cellercising® almost a year ago. To this day, I’m still amazed at the other benefits it has brought me: energy levels that keep me going all day; a nice flat tummy (finally!); a 24-inch waistline (down from 27 or 28 inches); a strong lower back; pain-free knees; slimmer hips; firmer buttocks; improved sleep; better digestion and elimination and a robust immune system that has kept colds, cough and flu away.

I hope you will give the Cellerciser® a chance to work on you and for you as well! If so, then please e-mail me at I am the exclusive distributor for the Philippines, but regardless of where you are, I can still facilitate shipment to you directly from the source: the Center for Cellular Health in the U.S.